
What's My Personality Type?

Life as an ESFP (Extravert, Sensor, Feeler, Perceiver)
People of this type tend to be: warm, gregarious, and playful; impulsive, curious, and talkative; sensitive, caring, and gentle; social and unpredictable with a great zeal for life; active, responsive, and highly aware of the physical world. The most important thing to ESFPs is freedom to be spontaneous, have fun, and enjoy the company of others.
Great careers for ESFPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ESFP.
>Early childhood education teacher (Wah! betullah.. Wpun sekolah rendah but LD yer!)
>Dental assistant (Tak pernah tercapai akal ku.. hehheheheh)
>Physical therapist (May be if aku tak jadi sigu)
>Home health social worker (juga maybe coz aku ini degree in psychology..)
>Public relations specialist (heheheheh pernah bercita - cita but English nda terror ba)
>Radiological technician (ermm...)
>Occupational therapist (ngamlah.. Industrial & Organisational Psychology ku...dekat2 la tu)
>Travel agent / tour operator ( ceewah! ini memang bannar! aku pernah kerja di tour operator!)
>Promoter (Promot keropok masa bazar di sekolah.. hehheheheheh)
>Actor (Belum try belum tahu..)
>Veterinarian (selain cepat kesiankan manusia, aku juga cepat kesiankan haiwan tapi, aku x pet!)
>Special events coordinator (Aku ada sijil tourism n event management)
>Marine biologist (wahhh.. macam tau2 ja one of my dream dapat lesen scuba dive..kena blajar berenanglah dulu kan.. aku x pandai berenag ba)
>Sales: sports equipment (tak pernah plak aku kerja salesgirl..tapi kenapa sports equipment ar?)
How to Love an ESFP
>Appreciate my enthusiastic and easy going nature.
>Have fun with me - try the spontaneous adventures I suggest.
>Be a supportive and non-judgmental listener.
>Be gentle but specific when discussing problems.
>Try not to restrict my freedom or force decisions too quickly.
>Above all - Express your own feelings and let me know you appreciate the many ways I nurture you.
Parenting ESFPs
>The Joys and Challenges of Raising ESFPs:
>They are happy-go-lucky, playful, and high spirited, but may also be distractible, disorganized, and impulsive. While they are affectionate, sensitive, and responsive, they tend to see only the good in others so they may be easily hurt or manipulated.

What works with ESFPs:
Patiently model moderation and distract them from misbehavior by letting them help give them very specific directions and instructions: show them what you mean accept their need to be physically active and don't expect them to be able to sit still for more than a few minutes.

Parents of ESFPs:
They'll know you really love them when you...throw a surprise appreciation party for them.
SpeedReading ESFPs
The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) ENFPs.

How to Spot ESFPs:
friendly, approachable, and easygoing,energetic, talkative, and playful, curious, excitable, and spontaneous, express concern about the problems of others.
Tips for Communicating with ESFPs:
>Be friendly, and yet straightforward
>Emphasize how to help others in practical ways
>Take action! Respond immediately to requests
>Appeal to their common sense
Mr. Right!!!!! - ENFJ
Life as an ENFJ (Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger)
People of this type tend to be: friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic; affectionate articulate, and tactful; highly empathetic but easily hurt; creative and original; decisive and passionately opinionated, productive, organized, and responsible.
The most important thing to ENFJs is their relationships, and the opportunity to communicate and connect with others.
Great careers for ENFJs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFJ.
>Advertising account executive
>Magazine editor
>Career or outplacement counselor
>Corporate trainer
>Bilingual education teacher
>College professor: humanities
>Fund raiser
>TV producer
>Occupational therapist
>Holistic health practitioner
>Marketing executive
>Writer / journalist
>Social worker
>Human Resources professional

How to Love an ENFJ
>Encourage me to express my feelings and opinions.
>Share your own reactions and emotions with me.
>Tell me how much you love me and appreciate all the ways I enrich your life.
>Make the effort to really get to know and understand my philosophical nature.
>Try to keep our home orderly.
Above all - support my feelings and work to restore harmony between us quickly.

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