
Tag Pertama from Azza.

Aku sebenarnya tak fimiliar dgn benda2 tagging ni.. Apapun pelajaran baru bagi ku ttg dunia bloggers ni. Trima Kasih Azza! K, inilah jawapan daripada soalan2 ini.........
1. When you buy greeting cards, are the words or the picture more, important to you?
Yah, sudah tentu. Kerana huruf dan gambar itu melambangkan Aku dan sikap Ku terhadap si penerima kad itu.
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?Ya. Saya lebih suka memberi hadiah yang saya buat sendiri. Cuma bila tak cantik .....lebih baik beri yang dibeli..Suka beri buku..
4. What your favorite holidays? Thinking.......
5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where? No.
6. What was the best party you've ever been to? Calebrate Hari Raya with my PK students.
7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what should your ideal wedding be like? Not married yet. Simple yang penting Berkat.
8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you? Dunno the meaning of romantics.
9. What's your favorite girl's name? Siti Khadijah, Fatimah, Aisah dan Aminah.
10. What's your favorite boy's name? Luqman Hakim, Ahmad Fakhrul...
11. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with? Pengarah Yun dalam All about Eve. 12. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful? Dari dulu dan kini.... Maya Karin.
13. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive? Ari wibowo...
14. What is your best character trait? moderate ekstrovet. Open-minded.
15. What is your worst habit? Thinking all people kind as me!

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